
“Hours behind the runner in front of him that last marathoner finally entered the Olympic stadium. By that time, the drama of the day’s events was almost over. Most of the spectators had gone home. Limping into the arena, the Tanzanian runner grimaced with every step. His knee bleeding and bandaged from an earlier fall. His ragged appearance immediately caught the attention of the remaining crowd who cheered him onto the finish line.

Why did he stay in the race? What made him endure his injuries to the end? When asked that later he replied, “My country did not send me 7,000 miles away to start the race, they sent me 7,000 miles to finish it. I’m Mark Evans, pastor of the Church of Rock Creek. You know, you got to remember that how you start isn’t what counts, what matters is how you finish. You know, what does it take to knock you out of the race? As uncomfortable as that question might be, it’s a good one to ask ourselves. How many unfinished project do you have hanging over you head right now, without really any plan to finish them?

The world is full of people who start things and they never can complete them. It might be something big like a college degree or something… like a little project around the house. Some people, frankly, tend to thrive in an atmosphere like that, but for most of us, every time we think of what we haven’t finished it just yells failure to us. The wise person, though, begins a task with the end in mind. You know, think about this, any goal worth pursuing in the first place is a goal worth achieving so finish what you start. It’ll help you move toward the pathway to actually win at life.”

Books by Mark Evans

Books by Mark Evans

Mark's books will provide you with the necessary instruction that will inspire you to Win at Life. Mark often uses stories as the backdrop to practical application for your daily life.

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Mark Evans Speaking Events

Speaking Events

Mark will come speak in a variety of settings that best meet your organizational needs. He always provides those much needed morale boosts that help move your organization to the next level.

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CD's and DVDs by Mark Evans

CD's & DVD's

These personal development products are designed to help you grow your passion for life, establish daily priorities, define your purpose for living and maintain productivity, in addition to healthy relationships.

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See What Others Have to Say

"My life has been helped beyond description by the positive yet powerful ministry of Mark Evans. He has been my pastor, friend and trusted counselor — a true coach who tells me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear."

Mike Huckabee - Former Governor, State of Arkansas

"I read Men Who Win in one sitting and will ever be the same. I'm inspired, motivated, and determined to take my life to a higher level. You wil be too - I guarantee it!"

Pat Williams - Senior Vice President, Orlando Magic

"When I think about leaders who are helping others step up to next level living, I think about Mark. His impact on people from all walks of life has been nothing short of remarkable."

William Goff - Precept Builders, Dallas, TX

"Mark Evans is one of the best speakers we have had at the Dream Center. He has the most creative way of using the gospel to impact every type of person in the church."

Matthew Barnett - Pastor, Los Angeles Dream Center

"Mark Evans is a dynamic speaker who mixes his captivating style with deep Biblical truth, empowering people to walk out a successful Christian life."

Tommy Barnett - Pastor, Phoenix First Assembly