A Storm on the Horizon

Waves the size of ten-story office buildings. Sustained winds of 120 miles per hour. An ocean whipped into an apocalyptic frenzy, something few people on earth have ever witnessed.

That was the scene off the coast of Gloucester, Massachusetts in the fall of 1991, as three separate weather systems combined to form a once-in-a-century event, a nor’easter so fierce it was dubbed ‘the perfect storm.’

Perhaps you’ve seen the movie, or read the book, detailing the account of the sixman crew aboard the commercial fishing vessel ‘Andrea Gail,’ trapped in the middle of it all. Suffice it to say, it was not an adventure for the faint of heart.

Most of us, thankfully, will never find ourselves exposed to nature’s fury like that. But storms will come in our lives, whether we like it or not. Sometimes they’ll be relatively minor – a setback at work, a friendship that’s strained, perhaps an unexpected financial burden. In those situations, more often than not, we manage to navigate the troubled waters without completely losing our way.

Occasionally, though, we’ll find ourselves caught in the throes of our own personal, incredibly fierce nor’easter. A visit to the doctor that brings grim news. A spouse who suddenly announces they want a divorce. A teenager whose life is spinning precariously out of control. And when those ‘perfect storms’ hit, they pack just as much punch in our individual lives as the one that ravaged the Andrea Gail.

In the midst of a tempest, it’s amazing how often our reactions mirror those of a crew aboard a vessel. We drift along recklessly, without rudder or control. We discard truths we’ve long held on to, jettisoning them overboard like flotsam and jetsam. We despair for our very lives, as though it will never come to an end.

But there’s a better way to weather the storm. When the monsoon rages, it’s time to hold fast to three solid, unshakeable anchors:

  • The presence of God — because no storm can hide the face of God.
  • The purpose of God — because no storm can change God’s plan for your life.
  • The promise of God — because no storm can destroy the child of God.

There’s a storm on the horizon, whether you can see it coming or not – something that will test your faith, perhaps as it has never been tested before. And when it hits, the question is this:

Will it be drift, discard and despair? Or presence, purpose and promise?

Questions For Personal Reflection and Discussion with Others

  1. What storms are brewing on the horizon of your life?
  2. How have you been trying to deal with them? How has that worked out for you?
  3. Read Matthew 8:23-27. What can you learn from the interaction between Jesus and His disciples in this passage?
  4. Why do you think God allows storms in our lives? What purpose do they serve?
  5. Read Proverbs 10:25. What insights can you glean from that passage?
  6. When have you been tempted to ‘drift, discard and despair? What happened?
  7. How could you be better prepared for the next storm in your life? What would need to change?



Books by Mark Evans

Books by Mark Evans

Mark's books will provide you with the necessary instruction that will inspire you to Win at Life. Mark often uses stories as the backdrop to practical application for your daily life.

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Mark Evans Speaking Events

Speaking Events

Mark will come speak in a variety of settings that best meet your organizational needs. He always provides those much needed morale boosts that help move your organization to the next level.

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CD's and DVDs by Mark Evans

CD's & DVD's

These personal development products are designed to help you grow your passion for life, establish daily priorities, define your purpose for living and maintain productivity, in addition to healthy relationships.

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"My life has been helped beyond description by the positive yet powerful ministry of Mark Evans. He has been my pastor, friend and trusted counselor — a true coach who tells me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear."

Mike Huckabee - Former Governor, State of Arkansas

"I read Men Who Win in one sitting and will ever be the same. I'm inspired, motivated, and determined to take my life to a higher level. You wil be too - I guarantee it!"

Pat Williams - Senior Vice President, Orlando Magic

"When I think about leaders who are helping others step up to next level living, I think about Mark. His impact on people from all walks of life has been nothing short of remarkable."

William Goff - Precept Builders, Dallas, TX

"Mark Evans is one of the best speakers we have had at the Dream Center. He has the most creative way of using the gospel to impact every type of person in the church."

Matthew Barnett - Pastor, Los Angeles Dream Center

"Mark Evans is a dynamic speaker who mixes his captivating style with deep Biblical truth, empowering people to walk out a successful Christian life."

Tommy Barnett - Pastor, Phoenix First Assembly